Thank you for checking into our ministry!
In the past, we have built churches with small groups to try to teach people what it means to make disciples for Jesus. Now, God is calling us to build a church OF small groups for the under-churched, over-churched, dechurched, and unchurched to provide another expression of our faith.
The OVER-CHURCHED are exhausted believers who empty themselves for their current church home. They are part of the 20% that are doing 80% of the work and ask the question, “Where’s that abundant life God was promising?”
God loves you more than He loves your effort. Let us teach you about the grace and freedom that releases you from duty and introduces you to joy.
The UNDER-CHURCHED are faithful believers who have only a passing acquaintance with the church. If you are unsure what role the gathering has in our faith, let us teach you how God’s call to community sharpens you even if it sometimes hurts.
The UNCHURCHED are those who are Not Yet Believers but are seeking answers to how this faith in Jesus might change their lives.
The DECHURCHED love Jesus but can’t stand the current institution of the church. They know they need to gather with other believers, but struggle to do that in the traditional Sunday service setting. Let us provide you with a new way to gather that highlights becoming disciple-makers.
What can you do?
No matter which kind of believer you are, God can help. We might be His way of helping, but you won't know until you have more information. If you fill out our signup form, we will send you a detailed guide that explains how our groups operate. At the end of that guide, you will have an opportunity to let us know that you are starting a group, would like to join a group, or have more questions about our ministry approach.
1. Sign Up to get information
We will send a guide to help you decide if you want to be a part of our ministry.
2. Let us know you are starting a group
Send us an email at with you name, home town or city, country if outside the United States, and the day and time you plan to meet.
3. Pick a Series
Would your group rather listen or watch? Find a series you believe will spark conversation in your group about making disciples.
Filled To Empty
This show is mainly for those Already Believers who are ready to discover how they fit into the mission of Christ to spread the influence of the Kingdom here on earth.
Find it on Roku TV or Amazon Fire, or click below to go to the Youtube Channel.
On the Youtube Channel, subscribe so that you can easily find it without returning to this page.
The Jar TV
Designed for a mixture of Already and Not Yet Believers who are learning about the faith.
Find this show on Roku TV or on YouTube.
If you choose Youtube, subscribe to the channel so you an easily find it without returning to this page.
Filled with Questions
For Already Believers who want to know how to answer the questions Not Yet Believers ask. Not Yet Believers will also benefit from these conversations.
This is a podcast and is currently only available for listening. Please subscribe so that you can easily find the podcast without returning to this page.
4. Let us pray for you
We want to be faithful in prayer over every group that joins us. Please feel free to come back to this page often and update us on your prayer requests.